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2024 February Calendar Kannada

2024 February Calendar Kannada

Kannada Panchanga Bangalore Press Calendar 2021
Kannada Panchanga Bangalore Press Calendar 2021 from

In 2024, Kannada speakers all over the world will be celebrating February in style with a variety of festivals and events. This month is filled with joy and excitement, and it’s important to keep track of all the important dates and happenings. In this article, we will explore the 2024 February Calendar Kannada and all the exciting things that it has in store.

What is the 2024 February Calendar Kannada?

The Kannada calendar is a traditional lunar calendar followed by the people of Karnataka, India. It is also known as the Kannada Panchanga and is based on the cycles of the moon. The 2024 February Calendar Kannada is a month-long celebration of festivals and events that are significant to the Kannada community.

What are the festivals and events celebrated in the 2024 February Calendar Kannada?

The 2024 February Calendar Kannada is filled with a variety of festivals and events that are celebrated by the Kannada community. Some of the most significant festivals and events include:

  • Maha Shivratri
  • Karaga
  • Chowdeshwari Devi Jathra
  • Honnali Jatre
  • Shivaratri Jatra

Can you describe the celebration of Maha Shivratri?

Maha Shivratri is one of the most significant festivals celebrated in the 2024 February Calendar Kannada. It is a festival dedicated to Lord Shiva and is celebrated on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Magha. On this day, devotees of Lord Shiva fast and offer special prayers to seek his blessings. It is believed that Lord Shiva performed the Tandava dance on this day, and therefore, devotees also perform the Tandava dance to celebrate the occasion.

How can you celebrate the 2024 February Calendar Kannada?

The 2024 February Calendar Kannada is a month-long celebration of festivals and events that are significant to the Kannada community. To celebrate this occasion, you can participate in the various events and festivals that are held during this time. You can also prepare traditional Kannada dishes and sweets to share with your family and friends. Additionally, you can decorate your home with traditional Kannada motifs and symbols to create a festive atmosphere.


1. When is Maha Shivratri celebrated in the 2024 February Calendar Kannada?

Maha Shivratri is celebrated on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Magha in the Kannada calendar, which falls on February 21, 2024.

2. What is Karaga?

Karaga is a festival celebrated in honor of Goddess Shakti. It is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Chaitra in the Kannada calendar.

3. What is Chowdeshwari Devi Jathra?

Chowdeshwari Devi Jathra is a festival celebrated in honor of Goddess Chowdeshwari. It is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Phalguna in the Kannada calendar.

4. Is the Kannada calendar the same as the Hindu calendar?

No, the Kannada calendar is a traditional lunar calendar followed by the people of Karnataka, India, whereas the Hindu calendar is a lunisolar calendar that is followed throughout India.

5. How is the Kannada calendar calculated?

The Kannada calendar is calculated based on the cycles of the moon. Each month is divided into two halves, the bright half and the dark half. The first day of the bright half is known as Amavasya, and the first day of the dark half is known as Purnima.

Overall, the 2024 February Calendar Kannada is filled with a variety of festivals and events that are significant to the Kannada community. It is a time of joy and celebration, and it’s important to participate in these festivities to keep the tradition alive. Happy celebrations!