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April 2024 Full Moon Calendar

April 2024 Full Moon Calendar

April 2024 Print A Calendar
April 2024 Print A Calendar from

As a lover of the night sky, I always look forward to the full moon. There’s something magical about seeing the moon in all its glory, and April 2024 is set to be an especially exciting month for lunar enthusiasts. In this article, I’ll be sharing my personal experience with full moon celebrations and exploring the April 2024 Full Moon Calendar in depth. From festivals to rituals, let’s delve into the world of lunar worship.

What is the April 2024 Full Moon Calendar?

The April 2024 Full Moon Calendar is a guide that shows the dates and times of the full moons in April 2024. These full moons are named after the Native American tribes who used the lunar cycle to track the seasons. The April full moons are known as the Pink Moon and the Flower Moon, and they’re a great opportunity to connect with nature and celebrate the changing of the seasons.

What are the Dates of the April 2024 Full Moons?

The Pink Moon will occur on April 11th, 2024, and the Flower Moon will occur on April 26th, 2024. These full moons will be visible from most parts of the world, and they’re a great excuse to get outside and marvel at the beauty of the night sky.

Events and Festivals in the April 2024 Full Moon Calendar

April 2024 is a busy month for full moon celebrations, with events and festivals taking place all around the world. Here are just a few of the highlights:

  • April 10th-12th: The Pink Moon Festival in Flagstaff, Arizona. This three-day festival celebrates the Pink Moon with music, art, and workshops on lunar magic.
  • April 22nd-28th: The Flower Moon Festival in Tokyo, Japan. This festival celebrates the arrival of spring with traditional Japanese dance performances and flower displays.
  • April 26th-28th: The Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan, Thailand. This legendary party takes place every full moon and is known for its music, fire shows, and beachside atmosphere.

Celebrating the Full Moon

Whether you’re attending a festival or celebrating at home, there are many ways to honor the full moon. Here are some ideas:

  • Create an Altar: Set up a special space in your home for full moon rituals. Decorate it with candles, crystals, and other items that hold spiritual significance for you.
  • Do a Full Moon Meditation: Find a quiet place to sit and meditate under the light of the full moon. Visualize your intentions for the coming month and connect with the energy of the lunar cycle.
  • Hold a Full Moon Circle: Invite friends and family to join you in a full moon circle. Light candles, share stories, and set intentions together.

Question and Answer Section

What is a Pink Moon?

The Pink Moon is the name given to the full moon that occurs in April. The name comes from the pink flowers that bloom around this time of year, such as phlox and wild ground phlox.

What is a Flower Moon?

The Flower Moon is the name given to the full moon that occurs in May. It’s named after the flowers that bloom during this time of year, such as the hawthorn and the dogwood.

What is Lunar Magic?

Lunar magic is a practice that involves working with the energy of the moon to manifest your intentions and desires. This can involve rituals, meditations, and other practices that honor the lunar cycle.

How Can I Connect with the Full Moon?

There are many ways to connect with the full moon, from attending festivals to simply sitting outside and gazing up at the sky. The most important thing is to be open to the energy of the moon and to allow yourself to be present in the moment.


The April 2024 Full Moon Calendar is a reminder of the beauty and power of the lunar cycle. Whether you’re attending a festival or celebrating at home, the full moon is a time to connect with nature and honor the changing of the seasons. So why not mark your calendar and join in the lunar festivities?
