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Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar

Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar

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As a student at Cal Poly Slo, I have always been excited about the various events and festivals that take place on campus throughout the year. With the release of the 2024-24 calendar, I am looking forward to attending some of my favorite events and discovering new ones. If you are a student or just someone interested in the happenings at Cal Poly Slo, this guide will give you a detailed overview of the events and festivals taking place in the upcoming year.

Events and Festivals in Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar

The calendar is packed with events and festivals that cater to the diverse interests of the Cal Poly Slo community. Here are some of the events that you can look forward to attending:

  • Homecoming Weekend
  • Open House
  • Club Showcase
  • ASI Elections
  • Spring Career Fair
  • Orchesis Dance Company Performance
  • Cal Poly Rodeo
  • Spring Stampede
  • Commencement

Homecoming Weekend

Homecoming Weekend is a time when alumni and current students come together to celebrate Cal Poly Slo. The weekend is packed with activities, including a parade, football game, and various other events. This is a great opportunity for students to connect with alumni and get a taste of the Cal Poly Slo community.

Open House

Open House is a chance for the public to explore the Cal Poly Slo campus and learn about the various programs and services offered. This event is particularly useful for prospective students who are considering attending Cal Poly Slo. The campus is filled with information booths, demonstrations, and tours.

Club Showcase

Club Showcase is an event where Cal Poly Slo clubs and organizations showcase their activities and recruit new members. This is a great opportunity for students to get involved in campus life and find a club or organization that matches their interests.

ASI Elections

The Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Elections are held annually to elect student representatives for various positions. This is a chance for students to participate in the democratic process and have a say in how the campus is run.

Spring Career Fair

The Spring Career Fair is a chance for students to meet with potential employers and learn about job opportunities. This event is particularly useful for graduating seniors who are looking for employment after graduation.

Orchesis Dance Company Performance

The Orchesis Dance Company is a student-led dance organization that puts on several performances throughout the year. This is a chance for students to see their peers showcase their talents and appreciate the art of dance.

Cal Poly Rodeo

The Cal Poly Rodeo is a popular event that attracts visitors from outside the Cal Poly Slo community. This event features various rodeo events, including bull riding, steer wrestling, and barrel racing.

Spring Stampede

Spring Stampede is a 5K and 10K race that takes place on the Cal Poly Slo campus. This is a chance for students and members of the community to come together and participate in a fun and healthy event.


Commencement is a time when graduating seniors come together to celebrate their achievements and receive their diplomas. This is a significant event for students and their families, as it marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Events and Festivals Celebration for Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar

Each event and festival in the Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar has a unique theme and purpose. Homecoming Weekend is a time to celebrate the Cal Poly Slo community and connect with alumni. Open House is an opportunity to showcase the campus and attract prospective students. Club Showcase is a chance for students to get involved in campus life and find their place in the community. ASI Elections allow students to participate in the democratic process and have a voice in campus affairs. The Spring Career Fair is a chance for students to explore job opportunities and connect with potential employers. The Orchesis Dance Company Performance allows students to showcase their talents and appreciate the art of dance. The Cal Poly Rodeo is a popular event that showcases the western heritage of the region. Spring Stampede is a fun and healthy event that brings together students and members of the community. Commencement is a significant event that marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Question and Answer (Q&A) about Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar

Q: When is Homecoming Weekend in 2024?

A: Homecoming Weekend in 2024 is scheduled for October 18-20.

Q: What is the theme for Open House?

A: The theme for Open House in 2024 is “Discover Your Future.”

Q: How can I participate in Club Showcase?

A: Club Showcase is open to all students. You can attend the event and speak with representatives from various clubs and organizations to find one that matches your interests.

Q: When is Commencement?

A: Commencement in 2024 is scheduled for June 15-16.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Cal Poly Slo 2024 24 Calendar

Q: Are these events open to the public?

A: Most events on the Cal Poly Slo campus are open to the public, but some may require tickets or registration.

Q: Can I volunteer to help with any of these events?

A: Yes, many events rely on volunteers to help with various tasks. Contact the event organizers for more information on how to volunteer.

Q: Are there any new events in the 2024-24 calendar?

A: The calendar is subject to change, but as of now, there are no new events scheduled for the upcoming year.

Q: Where can I find more information about these events?

A: You can visit the Cal Poly Slo website or contact the event organizers for more information about specific events.
