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Calendar Of August 2024 In Hindi

Calendar Of August 2024 In Hindi

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August is a month of festivals and celebrations in India. It marks the beginning of the monsoon season and brings joy and happiness all around. In this article, we will discuss the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi and the various festivals and events that are celebrated during this month.

Overview of the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi

The calendar of August 2024 in Hindi is filled with various festivals and events. The month begins with the celebration of Friendship Day on 4th August, followed by Raksha Bandhan on 6th August. Janmashtami, one of the most popular Hindu festivals, is celebrated on 12th August.

Ganesh Chaturthi, a ten-day festival that marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, is celebrated from 22nd August to 1st September. Onam, a harvest festival celebrated in Kerala, falls on 25th August. The month ends with the celebration of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, on 31st August.

Events and Festivals in the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi

The following is a list of events and festivals that are celebrated in the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi:

  • Friendship Day – 4th August
  • Raksha Bandhan – 6th August
  • Janmashtami – 12th August
  • Ganesh Chaturthi – 22nd August to 1st September
  • Onam – 25th August
  • Muharram – 31st August

Friendship Day

Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year. It is a day to celebrate the bond of friendship and to show appreciation for your friends. People exchange gifts, cards, and flowers with their friends on this day.

Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is a festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters tie a rakhi (a sacred thread) on their brother’s wrist and pray for their well-being. Brothers, in turn, promise to protect their sisters from all harm.


Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, one of the most popular Hindu gods. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India, especially in the northern states. People fast, sing devotional songs, and offer prayers to Lord Krishna on this day.

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is a ten-day festival that marks the birth of Lord Ganesha. It is celebrated with great pomp and show in Maharashtra and other parts of India. People bring home clay idols of Lord Ganesha and worship them for ten days before immersing them in water.


Onam is a harvest festival celebrated in Kerala. It marks the homecoming of King Mahabali, a mythical king who is believed to have ruled over Kerala in ancient times. People prepare elaborate feasts, wear new clothes, and participate in various cultural activities on this day.


Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of mourning for the Shia Muslim community, who commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. People participate in processions and offer prayers on this day.

Question and Answer (Q&A) about the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi

Q: What is the significance of Ganesh Chaturthi?

A: Ganesh Chaturthi marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, the god of wisdom and prosperity. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Maharashtra and other parts of India. People bring home clay idols of Lord Ganesha and worship them for ten days before immersing them in water.

Q: When is Onam celebrated?

A: Onam is a harvest festival celebrated in Kerala. It falls on 25th August in the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi. It marks the homecoming of King Mahabali, a mythical king who is believed to have ruled over Kerala in ancient times.

FAQs about the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi

Q: What are the other festivals celebrated in August 2024?

A: Apart from the festivals mentioned in this article, there are several other festivals that are celebrated in August 2024. Some of them include Nag Panchami, Parsi New Year, and Krishna Janmashtami.

Q: What is the history behind Raksha Bandhan?

A: Raksha Bandhan celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Laxmi tied a rakhi on Lord Vishnu’s wrist, and he promised to protect her. Since then, the festival has been celebrated to commemorate the bond between siblings.

In conclusion, the Calendar of August 2024 in Hindi is filled with various festivals and events that are celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. These festivals not only bring people together but also serve as a reminder of our rich cultural heritage. We hope that this article has provided you with a better understanding of the festivals celebrated in August 2024 in Hindi.