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Canada Calendar 2024 Holidays Ontario

Canada Calendar 2024 Holidays Ontario

2024 Canada Calendar with Holidays
2024 Canada Calendar with Holidays from

As we approach the year 2024, it is important to know about the holidays that are celebrated in Ontario, Canada. The calendar of 2024 is filled with various events and festivals that are celebrated throughout the province. In this article, we will explore the different holidays and festivals that are celebrated in Ontario, Canada in 2024.

List of Events and Festivals in Canada Calendar 2024 Holidays Ontario

Here is a list of some of the events and festivals that are celebrated in Ontario in 2024:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Family Day – February 19
  • Good Friday – April 19
  • Easter Monday – April 22
  • Victoria Day – May 20
  • Canada Day – July 1
  • Civic Holiday – August 5
  • Labour Day – September 2
  • Thanksgiving Day – October 14
  • Christmas Day – December 25
  • Boxing Day – December 26

Events and Festivals Celebrated in Canada Calendar 2024 Holidays Ontario

Each of the holidays listed above is celebrated in Ontario, Canada with its own unique traditions and festivities. For example, on New Year’s Day, many people in Ontario participate in the Polar Bear Dip, where they jump into icy cold water to celebrate the new year. Family Day is a relatively new holiday in Ontario, but it has quickly become a popular day for families to spend time together and participate in fun activities. Good Friday and Easter Monday are religious holidays that are celebrated by many people in Ontario.

Canada Day is a national holiday that celebrates the anniversary of Canada’s confederation. In Ontario, Canada Day is celebrated with fireworks, concerts, parades, and other fun activities. The Civic Holiday is a day that is celebrated only in Ontario, and it is often used as a day for people to relax and enjoy the summer weather. Labour Day is a day to celebrate the achievements of workers, and many people in Ontario use this day to participate in parades and other labour-related activities.

Thanksgiving Day is a time for people to give thanks for the blessings in their lives. In Ontario, Thanksgiving is often celebrated with a large family meal that includes turkey, stuffing, and other traditional foods. Christmas Day and Boxing Day are religious holidays that are celebrated by many people in Ontario. Christmas Day is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and Boxing Day is a day to give gifts to friends and family.

Question and Answer

Q: Are there any other holidays that are celebrated in Ontario?

A: Yes, there are many other holidays that are celebrated in Ontario. Some of these holidays include Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, and Remembrance Day.

Q: Are all of the holidays in Ontario national holidays?

A: No, not all of the holidays in Ontario are national holidays. Some of the holidays, such as Family Day and Civic Holiday, are only celebrated in Ontario.

Q: What are some of the typical foods that are eaten during the holidays in Ontario?

A: The foods that are eaten during the holidays in Ontario vary depending on the holiday. For example, during Christmas, many people in Ontario eat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy. During Thanksgiving, turkey is also a popular food, along with pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce.

Q: Are there any special traditions or activities that are associated with the holidays in Ontario?

A: Yes, each holiday in Ontario has its own unique traditions and activities. For example, on Canada Day, many people in Ontario attend fireworks displays, parades, and concerts. On Thanksgiving, it is common for families to gather together and share a large meal. And on New Year’s Day, many people in Ontario participate in the Polar Bear Dip.


Canada Calendar 2024 Holidays Ontario is filled with various events and festivals that are celebrated throughout the province. Each of the holidays is celebrated with its own unique traditions and festivities. Whether you are a resident of Ontario or just visiting, there is sure to be a holiday or festival that you can participate in and enjoy.
