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Holi Dhulandi 2024 Date In India Calendar

Holi Dhulandi 2024 Date In India Calendar

Holi Date Time 2020 Holika Dahan Date Time 2020 Holi 2020 Kab Hai
Holi Date Time 2020 Holika Dahan Date Time 2020 Holi 2020 Kab Hai from

As an Indian, Holi Dhulandi has always been one of my favorite festivals. It brings people from all walks of life together in a carnival of colors, laughter, and joy. The festival is celebrated on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Phalguna, which usually falls in February or March. In 2024, the date for Holi Dhulandi is March 20th.

The History of Holi Dhulandi

Holi Dhulandi has its roots in Hindu mythology. It is believed that Lord Krishna played Holi with his beloved Radha and other gopis in the town of Vrindavan. The festival is also associated with the legend of Holika, the sister of the demon king Hiranyakashipu, who tried to burn Prahlad, a devout follower of Lord Vishnu. However, Prahlad was saved by Lord Vishnu, and Holika was burned instead. This event symbolizes the victory of good over evil.

The Festivities

The celebrations of Holi Dhulandi usually start on the night before the main day with Holika Dahan, where people gather around bonfires and offer prayers. On the main day, people smear each other with colored powder and water, dance to the beats of dhol, and indulge in traditional sweets and delicacies. The festival is also a time to forgive and forget, mend broken relationships, and strengthen bonds of love and friendship.

Events and Festivals in Holi Dhulandi 2024

Aside from the main festivities, there are several events and festivals that take place during Holi Dhulandi in different parts of India. Some of the notable ones are:

  • Braj Ki Holi in Mathura and Vrindavan, where the celebrations last for almost a week
  • Phoolon Ki Holi in Barsana, where women beat men with sticks and men shield themselves with shields made of leaves
  • Rang Panchami in Maharashtra, where people play Holi with colors and water
  • Shigmo in Goa, where people dress up in colorful costumes and perform folk dances

Celebrating Holi Dhulandi in 2024

If you’re planning to celebrate Holi Dhulandi in 2024, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, make sure you’re dressed in old clothes that you don’t mind getting stained with colors. Secondly, use organic colors that are safe for the skin and the environment. Lastly, be respectful of others and their boundaries, and don’t force anyone to participate if they’re not comfortable.

Question and Answer

Q. Is Holi Dhulandi only celebrated in India?

A. No, Holi Dhulandi is also celebrated in other countries with significant Hindu populations, such as Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

Q. What are some traditional sweets and delicacies eaten during Holi Dhulandi?

A. Some of the popular sweets and delicacies eaten during Holi Dhulandi are gujiya, mathri, dahi bhalla, thandai, and bhang.

Q. Is Holi Dhulandi a public holiday in India?

A. Yes, Holi Dhulandi is a public holiday in India, and most businesses and schools remain closed on this day.


Q. What is the significance of the colors used during Holi Dhulandi?

A. The colors used during Holi Dhulandi symbolize joy, love, and unity. They also represent the arrival of spring and the renewal of life.

Q. Is Holi Dhulandi a safe festival?

A. While Holi Dhulandi is a fun and joyous festival, it’s important to celebrate it safely. This includes using organic colors, protecting your eyes and hair, and being respectful of others.

Overall, Holi Dhulandi is a festival that celebrates the colors of love and unity. It’s a time to come together with family, friends, and even strangers, and embrace the joy and positivity that the festival brings. So, mark your calendars for March 20th, 2024, and get ready to paint the town red, blue, green, and every other color of the rainbow!