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La Telugu Calendar 2024 June

La Telugu Calendar 2024 June

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As someone who has lived in Andhra Pradesh for many years, I have always been fascinated by the Telugu Calendar. It is a rich cultural tradition that has been passed down for generations, and each month is filled with interesting events and festivals. In this article, we will be exploring the Telugu Calendar for June 2024, with a focus on the events and festivals that take place during this time.

The Telugu Calendar

Before we dive into the events and festivals of June 2024, let’s take a moment to understand the Telugu Calendar. It is a lunar calendar, which means that it is based on the cycles of the moon. Each month begins with the new moon and ends with the full moon. There are 12 months in the calendar, and each one is named after a different star or constellation.

The Telugu Calendar is widely used in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, as well as in parts of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It is an important part of the cultural identity of these regions and is used to determine auspicious dates for weddings, housewarmings, and other important events.

Events and Festivals in June 2024

June 2024 is an exciting month in the Telugu Calendar, with several important events and festivals taking place. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights:

  • June 3: Amavasya (New Moon)
  • June 4: Jyeshta Pournami (Full Moon)
  • June 5: Vat Savitri Vratam
  • June 9: Shani Jayanti
  • June 10: Ganga Dussehra
  • June 13: Nirjala Ekadashi
  • June 15: Pradosh Vrat
  • June 17: Masik Shivaratri
  • June 20: Vat Purnima Vrat
  • June 24: Jagannath Rath Yatra

Vat Savitri Vratam

Vat Savitri Vratam is a festival that is celebrated by married women in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is believed to be a celebration of the eternal bond between a husband and wife. On this day, women tie a sacred thread around a banyan tree and pray for the long life and well-being of their husbands. They also fast for the entire day and break their fast only after performing the puja in the evening.

Jagannath Rath Yatra

The Jagannath Rath Yatra is a famous festival that takes place in the city of Puri in Odisha. However, it is also celebrated in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, particularly in the city of Hyderabad. The festival involves the procession of the deity Jagannath, along with his brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra, on a chariot. The chariot is pulled by devotees through the streets of the city, and it is considered a great honor to be one of the people pulling the chariot.


What is the Telugu Calendar?

The Telugu Calendar is a lunar calendar that is widely used in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, as well as in parts of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It is based on the cycles of the moon and is used to determine auspicious dates for important events.

What are some of the important events and festivals in the Telugu Calendar?

There are many important events and festivals in the Telugu Calendar, including Ugadi, Dussehra, Diwali, and Sankranti. Each month is also filled with interesting events and festivals, such as Vat Savitri Vratam and the Jagannath Rath Yatra.

How is the Telugu Calendar different from the Gregorian calendar?

The Telugu Calendar is a lunar calendar, while the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. This means that the Telugu Calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, while the Gregorian calendar is based on the position of the Earth relative to the sun.

Why is the Telugu Calendar important?

The Telugu Calendar is an important part of the cultural identity of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is used to determine auspicious dates for important events, and it is also a way to connect with the rich cultural heritage of the region.

How can I learn more about the Telugu Calendar?

There are many resources available online that can help you learn more about the Telugu Calendar. You can also speak with people from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana to gain a better understanding of the cultural traditions associated with the calendar.

In conclusion, the Telugu Calendar is a fascinating cultural tradition that is filled with interesting events and festivals. June 2024 is a particularly exciting month, with several important celebrations taking place. Whether you are a resident of Andhra Pradesh or Telangana or simply have an interest in Indian culture, the Telugu Calendar is definitely worth exploring.