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Livingston Isd School Calendar 2024

Livingston Isd School Calendar 2024

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As a parent of two school-aged children, I always make sure to keep track of important dates on the school calendar. It helps me plan our family vacations, holidays, and other activities. This year, I am excited about the upcoming events and festivals on the Livingston Isd School Calendar 2024.

Important Dates to Remember

The Livingston Isd School Calendar 2024 includes several important dates that parents and students should take note of. Here are some of them:

  • August 14, 2024 – First Day of School
  • September 2, 2024 – Labor Day (No School)
  • October 11, 2024 – Columbus Day (No School)
  • November 11, 2024 – Veterans Day (No School)
  • November 25-29, 2024 – Thanksgiving Break
  • December 23, 2024 – January 6, 2025 – Winter Break
  • March 10-14, 2025 – Spring Break
  • May 23, 2025 – Last Day of School

Events and Festivals to Look Forward To

Aside from the regular school schedule, Livingston Isd also has several events and festivals that students and parents can look forward to. Here are some of them:

Homecoming Week

Homecoming week is a time for alumni, students, and parents to celebrate school spirit. It usually happens in October and includes a parade, football game, and dance. Students can participate in various activities such as dress-up days, pep rallies, and a powderpuff football game.

Fall Festival

The Fall Festival is a community event that takes place in November. It includes food, games, and activities for all ages. There are also vendors selling handmade crafts, jewelry, and other items. The Fall Festival is a great way to support local businesses and organizations.

Spring Fling

The Spring Fling is an end-of-year celebration for students and parents. It usually happens in May and includes food, music, and games. There are also awards given out to students who have excelled academically or in extracurricular activities.

Question and Answer

Q: What should I do if my child misses school due to illness?

A: If your child misses school due to illness, please notify the school as soon as possible. You can call the front office or send an email to your child’s teacher. You may also need to provide a doctor’s note if your child is absent for more than three days.

Q: What should I do if my child needs to leave school early?

A: If your child needs to leave school early, please send a note to your child’s teacher or call the front office. You will need to sign your child out in the front office and provide identification. If someone else is picking up your child, you will need to provide written permission and the person will need to show identification.


Q: Can I volunteer at my child’s school?

A: Yes, we welcome volunteers at Livingston Isd. You will need to fill out a volunteer application and undergo a background check. Once approved, you can help out in your child’s classroom, chaperone field trips, or assist with school events.

Q: What is the dress code for students?

A: The dress code for students at Livingston Isd is designed to promote a safe and respectful learning environment. Students are expected to dress modestly and appropriately. Some examples of prohibited clothing include short shorts, crop tops, and clothing with offensive language or images.

Overall, the Livingston Isd School Calendar 2024 is packed with important dates, events, and festivals that students and parents can look forward to. As a parent, I am excited to see my children learn and grow in this supportive and engaging community.
