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Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika

Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika

Malayalam calendar 2019 deepika hohpaay
Malayalam calendar 2019 deepika hohpaay from

As we approach the year 2024, the Malayalam community is gearing up for a new year filled with celebrations and festivities. One of the most important aspects of this new year is the Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika, which serves as a guide to all the festivals and events that will take place throughout the year.

What is the Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika?

The Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika is a traditional calendar used by the Malayalam community to keep track of important dates and events. It is based on the solar calendar and consists of 12 months, each with its unique set of festivals and celebrations.

The calendar is widely used in Kerala, India, and is an essential part of the Malayalam culture. It not only serves as a guide to festivals and events but also helps in determining auspicious dates for important occasions like weddings, housewarming ceremonies, and more.

Events and Festivals in Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika

The Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika is filled with a plethora of festivals and events that are celebrated throughout the year. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • January 14 – Makaravilakku
  • February 1 – Basant Panchami
  • February 20 – Maha Shivaratri
  • April 2 – Vishu
  • May 14 – Eid-ul-Fitr
  • August 12 – Bakrid
  • September 10 – Onam
  • October 15 – Dussehra
  • November 4 – Diwali
  • December 25 – Christmas

January – Makaravilakku

Makaravilakku is one of the most important festivals celebrated in Kerala. It takes place on January 14 and is celebrated in honor of Lord Ayyappa. The festival is marked by a procession of the deity’s idol, which is taken from the Sabarimala temple to the hilltop shrine of Makaravilakku.

April – Vishu

Vishu is celebrated on April 2 and marks the beginning of the new year in the Malayalam calendar. It is a time for new beginnings and is celebrated by decorating homes with flowers, lighting lamps, and preparing a special feast known as Vishu Sadhya.

September – Onam

Onam is one of the most popular festivals in Kerala and is celebrated in honor of King Mahabali. It takes place in the month of September and is marked by a grand feast known as Onam Sadhya, which consists of over 20 different dishes.


What is the significance of the Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika?

The Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika is an essential part of the Malayalam culture and is used to keep track of important dates and events. It helps in determining auspicious dates for important occasions and serves as a guide to all the festivals and celebrations that take place throughout the year.

What are some of the most important festivals celebrated in the Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika?

Some of the most important festivals in the Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika include Makaravilakku, Vishu, Onam, and Diwali.

Why is Onam considered to be one of the most popular festivals in Kerala?

Onam is considered to be one of the most popular festivals in Kerala because it is celebrated in honor of King Mahabali, who is believed to have ruled the state in ancient times. The festival is marked by a grand feast and is a time for families to come together and celebrate.

In conclusion, the Malayalam Calendar 2024 Deepika is an essential part of the Malayalam culture and serves as a guide to all the festivals and events that take place throughout the year. Whether you are a resident of Kerala or simply interested in learning more about the Malayalam culture, this calendar is a must-have for anyone looking to stay connected with the community and its traditions.
