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October Month Calendar 2024 Holidays

October Month Calendar 2024 Holidays

2024 Printable Calendar with Holidays
2024 Printable Calendar with Holidays from

October is a month of festivities and celebrations around the world. With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Diwali just around the corner, this month is packed with events that bring joy and happiness to people of all ages. In this article, we’ll explore the various holidays and festivals that take place in October and how you can make the most of them.

What Holidays are in the October Month Calendar 2024?

The October Month Calendar 2024 is filled with a variety of holidays and festivals. Some of the notable ones include:

  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Halloween
  • Diwali
  • Oktoberfest
  • All Saints’ Day
  • Day of the Dead

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year in the United States. It’s a time for families to come together and give thanks for all the blessings in their lives. The day typically involves a big feast with turkey, stuffing, and all the trimmings.


Halloween is celebrated on October 31st in many countries around the world. It’s a time when people dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating or attend Halloween parties. The holiday has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which celebrated the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.


Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a major Hindu holiday that usually falls in October or November. It’s a time to celebrate the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. The holiday is marked by lighting candles and lamps, exchanging gifts, and feasting on traditional Indian sweets.


Oktoberfest is an annual beer festival that takes place in Munich, Germany. The festival lasts for 16 days and attracts millions of visitors from around the world. It’s a time to enjoy traditional German foods such as pretzels, sausages, and schnitzel, as well as plenty of beer.

All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead

All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead are two holidays that are celebrated on November 1st and 2nd respectively. They originated in the Catholic Church but are now celebrated by many cultures around the world. The holidays are a time to remember and honor loved ones who have passed away.

How to Celebrate October Month Calendar 2024 Holidays

There are many ways to celebrate the holidays and festivals that take place in October. Here are a few ideas:

  • Host a Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends
  • Carve pumpkins and decorate your house for Halloween
  • Attend a Diwali celebration in your community
  • Visit Munich and experience Oktoberfest firsthand
  • Light candles and remember loved ones on All Saints’ Day or Day of the Dead

Question and Answer

Q: When is Thanksgiving Day in 2024?

A: Thanksgiving Day in 2024 is on Thursday, November 28th.

Q: What is the history behind Halloween?

A: Halloween has its roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which celebrated the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It was believed that on this night, the boundary between the living and the dead was blurred, and spirits could come back to haunt the living.

Q: How is Diwali celebrated?

A: Diwali is celebrated by lighting candles and lamps, exchanging gifts, and feasting on traditional Indian sweets. It’s also a time to decorate homes and businesses with colorful lights and rangolis (intricate designs made with colored powders).


Q: What is the difference between All Saints’ Day and Day of the Dead?

A: All Saints’ Day is a Christian holiday that honors all the saints and martyrs who have died. Day of the Dead, on the other hand, is a Mexican holiday that celebrates and remembers loved ones who have passed away. While the two holidays have different origins, they both involve remembering and honoring the dead.

Q: Is Oktoberfest only celebrated in Munich?

A: While Oktoberfest originated in Munich, it is now celebrated in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, and Australia. However, the festival in Munich is still the largest and most famous.

Q: How long does Diwali last?

A: Diwali is typically a five-day festival, although the exact dates can vary depending on the lunar calendar. The main day of the festival is on the third day, when people light candles and lamps to celebrate the victory of light over darkness.
