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Tamil Calendar 2024 Wedding Dates

Tamil Calendar 2024 Wedding Dates

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As someone who has attended many Tamil weddings, I know that the wedding date is one of the most important aspects of the planning process. In Tamil culture, the wedding date is chosen based on the Tamil Calendar, which is a solar and lunar calendar that determines auspicious dates for various events and festivals.

What is the Tamil Calendar?

The Tamil Calendar, also known as the Tamil Panchangam, is a calendar used by the Tamil-speaking community in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. It is based on the solar and lunar cycles and consists of 12 months, each with 29-32 days. The calendar is used to determine the dates of important events and festivals, including weddings.

List of Events and Festivals in Tamil Calendar 2024

The Tamil Calendar 2024 is filled with many important events and festivals, including:

  • Pongal – January 14th
  • Tamil New Year – April 14th
  • Adi Perukku – August 2nd
  • Krishna Jayanthi – August 11th
  • Navaratri – October 2nd – October 10th
  • Deepavali – October 28th

Tamil Calendar 2024 Wedding Dates

For Tamil weddings, the couple and their families consult the Tamil Calendar to choose an auspicious wedding date. The wedding date is chosen based on the horoscopes of the bride and groom, as well as the astrological significance of the chosen date.

In Tamil Calendar 2024, the most auspicious wedding dates are:

  • January 20th, 24th, 25th, 26th
  • February 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st
  • April 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th
  • May 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th

Events and Festivals Celebration for Tamil Calendar 2024 Wedding Dates

One of the most important events leading up to a Tamil wedding is the engagement ceremony, which is typically held a few months before the wedding. The engagement ceremony is followed by the pre-wedding rituals, which include the mehendi ceremony, where the bride’s hands and feet are decorated with henna, and the sangeet ceremony, where the bride and groom’s families come together to sing and dance.

The actual wedding ceremony typically takes place over a few days and includes a number of rituals, including the kalyanam ceremony, where the bride and groom exchange vows, and the maangalya dharanam ceremony, where the groom ties a sacred thread around the bride’s neck. After the wedding, there is typically a reception, where the newlyweds are introduced to their community as husband and wife.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the significance of the Tamil Calendar in Tamil culture?

A: The Tamil Calendar is an important part of Tamil culture and is used to determine auspicious dates for important events and festivals, including weddings. Tamil families consult the Tamil Calendar to choose an auspicious wedding date based on the horoscopes of the bride and groom.

Q: How are wedding dates chosen in Tamil culture?

A: Wedding dates are chosen in Tamil culture based on the Tamil Calendar and the horoscopes of the bride and groom. The couple and their families consult an astrologer to determine the most auspicious wedding date based on the position of the stars and planets at the time of the wedding.


Q: What is the Tamil Panchangam?

A: The Tamil Panchangam is a calendar used by the Tamil-speaking community in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. It is based on the solar and lunar cycles and consists of 12 months, each with 29-32 days. The calendar is used to determine the dates of important events and festivals, including weddings.

Q: How do Tamil families celebrate weddings?

A: Tamil weddings are typically multi-day affairs that include a number of pre-wedding rituals, the wedding ceremony itself, and a reception. The wedding ceremony includes a number of rituals that are steeped in tradition and symbolism, and the reception is a chance for the newlyweds to be introduced to their community as husband and wife.

Q: What are some of the most important events and festivals in Tamil culture?

A: Some of the most important events and festivals in Tamil culture include Pongal, Tamil New Year, Adi Perukku, Krishna Jayanthi, Navaratri, and Deepavali. These events and festivals are celebrated with family and friends and are an important part of Tamil culture and tradition.