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Telugu Calendar 2024 Usa New York September

Telugu Calendar 2024 Usa New York September

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As someone who grew up in a Telugu household, I have always been fascinated by the rich culture and traditions of Andhra Pradesh. One of the most important aspects of our culture is the Telugu calendar, which is followed by millions of people around the world. In this article, I will be discussing the Telugu Calendar 2024 USA New York September, and the various events, festivals, and celebrations that take place during this time of the year.

What is the Telugu Calendar?

The Telugu calendar is a lunar calendar used by Telugu-speaking people in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and other parts of the world. It is based on the cycles of the moon and consists of 12 months, each of which is named after a star or constellation.

What are the months in the Telugu Calendar?

The months in the Telugu Calendar are as follows:

  • Chaitra
  • Vaishakha
  • Jyeshtha
  • Ashadha
  • Shravana
  • Bhadrapada
  • Ashwin
  • Kartika
  • Margashirsha
  • Pausha
  • Magha
  • Phalguna

Events and Festivals in Telugu Calendar 2024 USA New York September

September is an important month in the Telugu calendar, as it marks the beginning of the Sharad Ritu (autumn season). Here are some of the events and festivals that take place during this month:

  • Ganesh Chaturthi (September 10, 2024)
  • Ananta Chaturdashi (September 19, 2024)
  • Pitru Paksha (September 20-October 6, 2024)
  • Navratri (September 29-October 7, 2024)

What is Ganesh Chaturthi?

Ganesh Chaturthi is a 10-day festival that celebrates the birthday of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god. During this festival, people install clay idols of Lord Ganesha in their homes and in public pandals, and offer him various sweets and delicacies. On the tenth day, the idols are immersed in water, symbolizing the return of Lord Ganesha to his abode in the mountains.

What is Ananta Chaturdashi?

Ananta Chaturdashi is a festival that celebrates the power of Lord Vishnu. On this day, people tie a sacred thread (Ananta) on their wrists and perform a puja to Lord Vishnu. This festival is also associated with the story of Lord Vishnu and a serpent named Ananta, who helped him during a battle with demons.

What is Pitru Paksha?

Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period during which Hindus pay homage to their ancestors (Pitrus) through various rituals and offerings. This period is considered to be a time when the spirits of the ancestors visit the earth, and it is believed that performing these rituals can help them attain moksha (liberation).

What is Navratri?

Navratri is a nine-day festival that celebrates the divine feminine energy (Shakti) in Hindu mythology. During this festival, people worship various forms of Goddess Durga, and perform a variety of rituals and offerings. On the tenth day (Vijayadashami), people celebrate the victory of good over evil.


What is the significance of the Telugu Calendar?

The Telugu Calendar is of great significance to Telugu-speaking people, as it helps them keep track of important dates and festivals. It also serves as a cultural symbol, reminding people of their roots and traditions.

What are the other important festivals in the Telugu Calendar?

Some of the other important festivals in the Telugu Calendar include Ugadi (New Year), Sankranti (harvest festival), and Diwali (festival of lights).

Why do people immerse the idols of Lord Ganesha in water?

Immersion of the idols of Lord Ganesha in water is a symbolic act, representing the return of Lord Ganesha to his abode in the mountains. It is also believed to purify the environment and bring good luck and prosperity.

What is the significance of Navratri?

Navratri is significant because it celebrates the divine feminine energy (Shakti) in Hindu mythology. It is a time to honor and worship the various forms of Goddess Durga, and seek her blessings for strength, prosperity, and well-being.

What are some traditional dishes prepared during these festivals?

Some of the traditional dishes prepared during these festivals include modak (sweet dumplings) for Ganesh Chaturthi, pulihora (tamarind rice) for Ananta Chaturdashi, and sundal (spiced lentils) for Navratri.

In conclusion, the Telugu Calendar 2024 USA New York September is a time of joy, celebration, and spiritual renewal for Telugu-speaking people around the world. By understanding the significance of these festivals and events, we can deepen our connection to our culture and traditions, and pass them on to future generations.