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Tsc Recruitment Calendar 2024

Tsc Recruitment Calendar 2024

TSC recruitment schedules for all Counties Updated interview dates and
TSC recruitment schedules for all Counties Updated interview dates and from


As we approach the year 2024, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released its recruitment calendar for the year. This is exciting news for teachers and aspiring teachers who are looking to join the profession or advance their careers.

As someone who has been in the teaching profession for over a decade, I have had my fair share of experiences with TSC recruitment. In this article, I will share my personal experience and also provide an in-depth explanation of the TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024 and related keywords.

What is TSC Recruitment Calendar?

The TSC Recruitment Calendar is a document that outlines the recruitment process for teachers in Kenya. It provides a timeline for the different stages of the recruitment process, including advertisement of vacancies, application, shortlisting, and interviews.

The calendar also highlights the different categories of teachers who are eligible to apply for the advertised vacancies, including primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) instructors.

Important Dates in TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024

According to the TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024, the recruitment process will begin in January and end in December. Here are some of the important dates to note:

  • Advertisement of vacancies – January 15th
  • Application deadline – February 15th
  • Shortlisting of candidates – March 1st
  • Interviews – April 1st to May 31st

Events and Festivals in TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024

In addition to the recruitment process, the TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024 also highlights some important events and festivals that are relevant to the teaching profession. These include:

  • World Teachers’ Day – October 5th
  • International Literacy Day – September 8th
  • International Youth Day – August 12th

Celebration of Events and Festivals in TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024

These events and festivals provide an opportunity for teachers to celebrate their profession and also raise awareness on important issues affecting education. For instance, on World Teachers’ Day, teachers can engage in activities that showcase their contribution to the society.

On International Literacy Day, teachers can organize reading competitions or book fairs to promote literacy among their students. International Youth Day can be an opportunity for teachers to mentor and guide young people on important life skills that will help them succeed in their future careers.

Question and Answer (Q&A) Section

Q: Who is eligible to apply for TSC recruitment?

A: Any qualified teacher who meets the requirements set by TSC is eligible to apply for recruitment.

Q: What is the application deadline for TSC recruitment?

A: The application deadline for TSC recruitment is February 15th.

Q: When will the interviews for TSC recruitment be held?

A: The interviews for TSC recruitment will be held between April 1st and May 31st.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the requirements for TSC recruitment?

A: The requirements for TSC recruitment include a relevant teaching qualification, a valid teaching certificate, and a minimum of three years teaching experience.

Q: How can I apply for TSC recruitment?

A: You can apply for TSC recruitment by visiting the TSC website and following the application instructions provided.

Q: What happens after I apply for TSC recruitment?

A: After you apply for TSC recruitment, your application will be reviewed and shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews.


The TSC Recruitment Calendar 2024 provides a comprehensive guide for teachers and aspiring teachers who are looking to join the profession or advance their careers. It is important to note the important dates and events highlighted in the calendar and also ensure that you meet the requirements set by TSC before applying for recruitment.

As we celebrate the different events and festivals in the teaching profession, let us also remember the important role that teachers play in shaping the future of our society.
