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What Year Is It In The Coptic Calendar

What Year Is It In The Coptic Calendar

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In 2023, the Coptic calendar year is 1739. This ancient calendar, also known as the Alexandrian calendar, is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar and is still used by the Coptic Orthodox Church today. As an AI language model, I don’t have a personal experience to share, but let me tell you more about this fascinating calendar system.

What Is The Coptic Calendar And How Does It Work?

The Coptic calendar is a solar calendar, meaning it is based on the movement of the sun. It consists of 12 months of 30 days each, followed by a 13th month of 5 or 6 days, known as “Nayrouz”. The calendar is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar, which was divided into three seasons of four months each, with each month consisting of 30 days. The Coptic calendar has been in use since ancient times and is still used by the Coptic Orthodox Church to determine the dates of religious festivals and events.

Events And Festivals In The Coptic Calendar

The Coptic calendar has a number of important events and festivals throughout the year. Some of the most significant include:

  • The Feast of the Nativity, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and falls on January 7th.
  • The Holy Week, which commemorates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ and falls in late April or early May.
  • The Feast of the Apostles, which honors the apostles of Jesus Christ and falls on July 12th.
  • The Feast of the Assumption, which celebrates the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven and falls on August 22nd.
  • The Feast of Nayrouz, which marks the Coptic New Year and falls on September 11th.
  • The Feast of the Cross, which commemorates the discovery of the true cross by Saint Helena and falls on September 27th.
  • The Feast of the Saints, which honors the saints of the Coptic Church and falls on November 1st.

Celebrations And Traditions

Each of these events and festivals is marked by special celebrations and traditions in the Coptic Church. For example, during the Feast of the Nativity, Coptic Christians fast for 43 days leading up to the event, and then attend a midnight mass on January 6th. During Holy Week, there are special services every day, with the climax being the Easter Sunday service. On the Feast of the Assumption, Coptic Christians attend a special liturgy and then decorate the church with flowers. And during Nayrouz, there are parades, feasts, and fireworks to celebrate the Coptic New Year.

Question And Answer

Q: How does the Coptic calendar differ from the Gregorian calendar?

A: The Gregorian calendar, which is used in most of the world today, is a solar calendar that has 365 days in a year, with an extra day added every four years in a leap year. The Coptic calendar, on the other hand, has 365 days in a year, but doesn’t have a leap year. Instead, an extra month (Nayrouz) is added every four years to keep the calendar in sync with the solar year.

Q: Why is the Coptic calendar still used today?

A: The Coptic Orthodox Church places great importance on tradition and continuity, and the use of the Coptic calendar is seen as a way of maintaining that continuity with the ancient Egyptian and Christian past. Additionally, the Coptic calendar is used to determine the dates of important religious festivals and events, which are an important part of Coptic Christian culture and identity.


Q: What is the origin of the Coptic calendar?

A: The Coptic calendar is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar, which was used in Egypt for thousands of years before the arrival of Christianity. The calendar was adapted by the Coptic Church in the 4th century AD and has been in use ever since.

Q: How is the Coptic calendar different from the Julian calendar?

A: The Julian calendar, which was used in Europe until the 16th century, is also based on the ancient Egyptian calendar and has 365 days in a year, with a leap year every four years. However, the Julian calendar doesn’t have the extra month of Nayrouz, which is used in the Coptic calendar to keep it in sync with the solar year.

Q: Is the Coptic calendar used outside of the Coptic Orthodox Church?

A: While the Coptic calendar is primarily used by the Coptic Orthodox Church, it is also used by some other Christian communities in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Additionally, the Coptic calendar has been adopted as the official calendar of Ethiopia and is used alongside the Gregorian calendar.